Get Set Weekend At Club

Get Set Weekend At Club

9 Mar 2023

The club has registered with the ECB to run a ‘Get Set Weekend’ to help get the ground in tip-top shape for the fast-approaching season.

The work party, formerly known as ‘Cricket Force’, is to be held on Saturday and Sunday 1st and 2nd April. This is an opportunity for members of all ages to contribute to tidy up the ground in readiness for the upcoming season. We will be starting from around 10am on each day until mid-afternoon. 

Refreshments will be available and the bar will be open from mid afternoon onwards for a hard earned drink. Please try and spare at least a couple of hours and not just leave it to others.

If you’d like to help out on one, or both of the scheduled days, please advise of your availability to help out by notifying Les Harrison on 07504 110286 via SMS or WhatsApp. This way, we can plan and assign tasks. We will remind you all on social media during the week before.


Because sharing's caring! >>



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